The setting is a police state where all Christian gatherings are outlawed. However, the religious underground has begun a resistance movement to protect and encourage believers. They have organized a secret meeting of Christians in their neighborhood.

This is part adventure game, part worship and celebration. Your kids first task of the evening event is to elude the undercover cops, and the GAG regime a corrupt, anti‑Christian government, and locate safe houses run by the Christian underground. Then they travel to the underground church meeting place, a secret location for celebration and worship, with reminders of what ancient and modern Christians have endured in order to meet and worship together.

If you would like some background or history of our version of UC, please go to the HISTORY page for complete details. This is one event that your youth and adults will be talking about for some time.  LORD willing, we will continue to do UCs until HE comes back! This is a night of fun, food, fellowship and most importantly worship! This is hands on, teams are IN the game, experiencing it for themselves! We want you to give to you a small idea of what it might be like to experience this? So that's what we do, we invest our time, our energy, our resources, our talents, that are given to GOD to use as HE sees fit in this effort. Our goal, is to let GOD have HIS way in our lives and the lives of those that come to 'play' UC!